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We declare a Climate Emergency

Let's work together to prevent catastrophic climate change

Stripes chart showing increase in global temperatures since 1850
Credit: #ShowYourStripes (Ed Hawkins, University of Reading) (CC BY 4.0)

With intense heat waves sweeping across much of the northern hemisphere and massive flooding in the south, climate change is a lived reality for all of us these days. There is no denying that we are living in a climate emergency.

None of us can stand on the sidelines. We all have a part to play to lessen and hopefully reverse our climate impacts.

Declaring a Climate Emergency at .eco

At .eco, we have been working to eliminate carbon emissions from our operations. Our commitment to the .eco community is to be the world’s first carbon neutral domain registry.

Here are some of the actions we’ve been taking:

We will continue to update the community and the public to account for the steps that we’re taking.

Taking action as a community

The promise of the .eco community is for us to take action collectively, so we can amplify our impacts beyond what any of us can do individually. To this end, we encourage you to make your own climate emergency declaration, if you’ve not already done so.

One way to highlight your declaration is to link it to your .eco profile. One of our awesome community members,, has created a powerful logo to call attention to this cause. The criteria for use is that you share what you’re doing to address the climate emergency.

We Declare A Climate Emergency logo

You can easily add the logo to your .eco profile by going into the Membership section and searching for We Declare a Climate Emergency. You can link it to your climate emergency declaration.

Adding We Declare a Climate Emergency to your .eco profile

Let’s work together to show how we are giving the climate emergency the attention and action it deserves.